Thursday, September 13, 2012

May 5th, 2012 Planting Party

Over twenty friends and family members came in early May to help us plant phase two of the vineyard--something over 400 additional vines.  The weather held out until after lunch this year. 
A week earlier, Kathy, Tom, Connie, and Hank measure and flag locations for new vines.

Michael and his sister Kathy checking out bare-root vines.
Joanie is ready to work!
                                                         We keep the laborers happy!

                                              Angie and Beth, two friends, came to help.

Dan and friend Jen
Greg and buddy Dean watering the newly-planted vines
Two people can water at once!
Greg, Jeremy, Dan, and Dean setting out the grow tubes.
Cathy chills with Dan's dog Lady 
Two happy grape growers
During our lunch break, the rains came---
                                                              Mission accomplished!
By the end of the day, new vines were planted, a great catered lunch was enjoyed by all, and (despite the after-lunch 2"+ rain) grow tubes were put back onto all of the vines planted last year.
Grow tubes serve as a mini-greenhouse, keeping the newly emerging buds warm and moist.  On the two-year-old vines (which had been pruned back to one-foot height or less), the grow tubes are kept on for only a month or so, until the vines are sprouting nicely.  For the newly-planted vines, the grow tubes protect all the new growth through most of the summer, but were removed in August, so the stems can "harden-off" (get a bit woody) prior to winter.

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