Thursday, September 13, 2012

Completing the Geneva Double-Curtain Trellis System

A number of family and friends helped us construct the trellis systems needed for our two-year-old vines.  More robust varieties require a stronger trellis system.  The one we chose to go with is called Geneva Double-Curtain, which gives vigorous vines plenty of room to grow and lots of sun exposure.  The vines we are putting on these trellises are the Sabrevois, LaCrescent, Prairie Star, Marquette, Somerset Seedless (a table grape) and next year we will add the King of the North. 

The less-robust grape varieties, like Louise Swenson, are growing on a Four-Arm Kniffen system.

Our neighbor, Richard, cut white oak boards for Michael to use for the 4 foot
cross-arms needed for the Geneva Double-Curtain trellises.
First completed end-post. 
                                             One row completed with cross-arms and wire!

 Training two-year-old vines up to the high wires
Kate worked hard this summer to help us train vines onto the high wires.
Kate with an example of a vine on Four-Arm Kniffen.

1 comment:

  1. A number of family and friends helped us construct the trellis systems needed for our two-year-old vines. More robust varieties require a ...
