Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Springtime in the Vineyard - 2013

On Thursday and Friday, May 2 & 3, 2013, we experienced about 17 inches of snow!  Fortunately, it didn't last long.  A week later our kids were down to help us plant a few trees.

Lily and Tom planting a crabapple tree

Our May 11th Tree Planting Crew

We moved into our house, from the apartment in our pole shed, on March 12th.  In March and April we completed pruning all the vines in the vineyard.  Following that, we made sure all vines were properly supported with ties. 

Most vines seem to have made it through the winter and are now budding.  I am having problems downloading photos to this blog, but will try again tomorrow.  We have some nice "spring" photos to share.