Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 2011: The vineyard is asleep...

 We finally have a few photos with snow to add to the blog from the first weekend of December.  All is well.  We've staked out rows for next spring and figure we will put in something in the neighborhood of 400 more vines then.  Michael is in the process of determining which varieties those will be.
Michael and our tractor
Con is sowing wild flowers on the west side of the barn.  It's best to do it on frozen ground just before it snows.  It began snowing heavily just as Connie finished spreading the seed.

Michael plowed for the first time -- using the bucket.  Once was enough.  We are picking up a plow blade for the three-point hitch at the end of the week.

October 7th Entry

It has been several weeks since I've done an update.  The vineyard is no longer "growing."  The western edge appears to have been touched by a little frost.  However, the rest still looks green, yet like it is getting ready to bed-down for the winter.  The vines somehow look a little less vigorous, and there are no new shoots. 

Two weekends ago we took some lovely pictures to the south, the west, the north, and the east at sunset.  Also, Kate and Dave surprised us with a wonderful Bluffstone Vineyard sign that they had made at the State Fair a month ago. 
Looking to the west at sunset

North at sunset

East at sunset

Looking South through the vineyard at sunset

Greg and Michael with our new sign from Kate and Dave

Last weekend, on Sunday October 2nd, we co-hosted a neighborhood potluck and pumpkin party.  We even had a great big farm scale to weigh the entries in the two "largest" categories -- one for mega pumpkins and one for regular Halloween-type pumpkins.  We also had a "weirdest-looking" category and a "best carved/decorated" category.  I forgot to get folks' permission to include their photos, so I'll just include the one that doesn't have humans...
"Double winners" of the best carved/decorated pumpkins contest.

Loading up the feed scale after the pumpkins were weighed

Fall, 2011

I wrote this entry a few months ago, but just added the photos today.  The "living quarters" is very livable.  We still want to put in a kitchen backsplash and some blinds on the windows.

The bathroom is very comfortable.  We especially love the tiled shower stall (though we couldn't get a good photo of it.  You'll just have to come see it in person!) and the heated floor.

Michael has finished up the baseboard and trim.  It's our home away from home.

Our kitchenette

The dining area

...and the master suite!

The vineyard is sleeping...  The vines have dropped most of their leaves.  One can see next year's buds all over the plants.  The part that's difficult to believe is that we will be cutting off all but the lowest part of each vine come February -- leaving only two or three buds per plant!

We watered all the vines twice over the past two weekends, as the ground was so dry it was rock-hard.  There's a funny video below from our watering experience last Saturday.  Check it out!

Handling many hundreds of feet of hose (that had water in it) was a challenge for the two of us.  Thankfully, Michael did most of the really heavy hauling.  Eventually we got smarter and used the 4-wheeler and trailer to assist with the transporting of hoses from row to row.

Connie's sister Joan (right) and friend Cathy had both helped on our planting day last May.  They came for a Saturday visit this fall, and guess what?  It rained again!  (Don't know if we'll invite them next May...)

Mary Jo and Angie, two more of our May planters, returned this fall for a Friday morning meeting with Michael.

 Lily and Alicia spent a weekend with Grandma and Papa.  They decided to walk out to the gate to "visit" the cows.  The two of them began "mooing" and all these cows came to see what was going on!


After a hard day of playing at the farm...